Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Case of Case Crazy In The World

A woman from tenesse upset after catching her husband who was asleep with a cigarette in his hand still on that hole in the mattress, which also left a cigarette still burning in the same spot only to ADVISED OF THE CONSEQUENCES IF her husband what asleep in bed with D STILL LIT CIGARETTE ... eventually ... house went up in flames ...

Remo Jalosjos, a congressman in the Philippines was sentenced to 173 years in prison on charges of repeated rape of a child aged 11 years. What kind of life in prison? He got himself some room, complete with tv, kitchen, private kamarmandi complete with water heater, etc.. He not only sells food to rekan2 a prison in his stall also rent a tennis court which was built new. When criticized about how he was getting preferential treatment, he insisted that it was wrong that the government could not provide the same treatment to other inmates.

St. Clair County, Illinois, has spent $ 330 million dollars to build an airport who turned out for a year is never called on a plane, no matter whether the airline or private, operate 12 hours a day with 27 workers + full team of firefighters and maintenances, the funny thing is the cost of renovation of $ 2.5 million still approve though until now there has been no single airline is willing to use the airport.

Paul Stiller, 47, and his wife were both treated in Andover Township, New Jersey, in September, both of which suffered severe injuries as a result of the dynamite of quarter sticks which exploded in his car. When on the road, a couple who in horsing boredom iseng2 burn it and throw the dynamite out the window of his car to remove saturated. Unfortunately they FORGET OPENING window.

A Turkish truck driver, Nazim Canturkas, lit a match to heat the gas tank is frozen. Based on the statement in a mocking tone of a fireman on duty at the time, Nazim using way too dangerous ...

Oklahoma City, Dennis Newton (47), is undergoing trial on charges of armed robbery of a store, the actual time he was in the wind, until the store manager testified that Newton was indeed the perpetrator of the robbery, Newton was furious and immediately went to the manager and shouted "I should shoot your head that time!", once all the attendant silent. "Ee ... meaning if I did at that time who robbed ...", correcting Newton's words ... but gara2 jury and the judge was convinced that he was guilty ... the result of 30 years in prison for Newton ...

In Baltimore, Maryland, a woman lost to Syracuse, New York after a long drive a car. Ashamed to admit stray, and do not know their way home, when he saw a policeman, he admitted that he had been kidnapped by a man armed in Baltimore, thanks to this confession, there was a pursuit operation which involves a 5 unit of some states. Known until the actual cause, the woman was arrested and is only allowed to go home when her husband who picked up and just her husband drove MAY ALSO D.

Detroit: R.C. Gaitlan, 21, approached two officers who were demonstrating squad car computer felon-location equipment to children in the Detroit neighborhood. When he asked how to work the machine, the officer asked for his ID, Gaitlan then gives her license, the officer then enter the ID number Gaitlan who then immediately arrested and the paralyzed on the spot, why? because it turns on the computer it appears the name of the officer Gaitlan as DPO (wanted) armed robbery suspect 2 years ago ...

In Ohio, an identity is not clear who was ahead of the 30's went to the police station with all 9 inches of wire sticking out of his forehead. Quietly, laki2 asked officers to try to rontgent her to discover who he thought his brain had been stolen, terkaget2 officers, especially when he learned that laki2 has drilled as deep as 6 inches of his head through his skull with a power drill and insert the existing wire the forehead is only to find that he lost his mind!

February, according to a report pollicis in Windsor, Ont., Daniel Kolta, 27, and Randy Taylor, 33, died after they complained of his head equal courage fights his snowmobile crashed ...

In Phnom Penh restaurant, three Cambodians died after playing "footsies" (jepit2an feet) below the dining table with an anti-tank mines which failed to explode they found. Visitors throughout the restaurant ran out to discover what they are doing ...

In 1999, a small town in Kingsville, Texas, when a commotion in the middle of the night "ujug-ujug" in the city's 800-soldier assault with a camouflage uniform and eight helicopters. tembak2an happen, bomb2 detonated, a former police office and factory fall apart, none of 911 officers who can explain the occurrence proficiency level, until finally a military official apologized for forgetting to tell you about the gorilla urban warfare training plan. and apologized for the destruction of two buildings which were destroyed as a result of mis ...
Modesto, CA, Steven Richard King was arrested for his efforts to rob a Bank of America branch without a weapon, he uses his fingers behind his clothes to hide who outwit a bank clerk, until the plan failed after he accidentally removing his hands from his jacket ...

Sylvester Briddell, Jr.., 26, was killed last February in Selbyville, Delaware, after winning a bet with teman2nya. Materials stakes ..... Briddell dare pull the trigger revolver containing four bullets which went up to his mouth ...

A robber in Topeka, Kansas Kwik Shop mndatangi, and asked all the money that was in the cash register, which it turns out it was too little for him, to feel less, he was tying the shopkeepers and disguised as a cashier for about 3 hours with the intent of anyone to know the number of rampokannya can grow ... alih2 increases, the fact that even polisi-chance stop by and then find out his disguise immediately arrested on the spot.
AT & T fired President John Walter after nine months in office by reason of the lack of "intellectual leadership". John Walter received severance of $ 26 million over the dismissal.

Los Angeles police are very lucky that time, when the robbery suspect was sequenced to identify the suspects face ... one can not control her mouth ... when the detective suspects were questioned one by one, and then imitating the robber who was dicari2 kata2 it ... "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot ! "... ujug-ujug .. alias of a sudden one of the suspects are screaming with stubborn ... "Hey, I'm not so preman!" ...

A laki2 of Illinois, berpura2 have a gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to go to two different ATM machines to withdraw money from their own account!!

A 19-year-old son laki2 of Sheffield Lake, Ohio, stole her credit card to pay his girlfriend a boob job ... unfortunately, his girlfriend decided directly after the operation and now traveled laki2 children 18 months of detention ...

Christopher Jansen, a defendant's possession of a gun who demanded back polisi who frisked because there was no evidence, going through the judicial process last March in Pontiac, Michigan. He insisted that the officers had frisked without a warrant. The prosecutor also insisted, officers do not need a letter to search, because Jansen seen carrying suspicious objects inside his jacket, "it could be a gun or anything" he said. "Nonsense" said jansen, who happens to wear the same jacket, then he showed it to the judge, a fool, when he gave his jacket to the judge, he did not check in advance the contents of the bag. When the judge examined his jacket he laughed terpingkal2 ......... .... know why? because it was in the jacket pocket jansen package of cocaine that he found!

Guthrie, Oklahoma, last October, Jason Heck intends to kill a millipede with his 22 caliber rifle, missed, the bullets on the rock and mentally so that the head of his friend, Antonio Martinez, who then suffered a cracked skull ...

Police in Oakland, California, spent two hours trying to make a gunman who took refuge in his house to surrender. After 10 times the tear gas, officials realized that there were armed men beside them as he went along with asking the person who yelled at the house to come out and give up ...

Two people from Michigan robbers entered a record store in Detroit, one of the robbers nervously shouted "Do not anybody move!" While pointing a gun ... but either because it is nervous or unintentionally, when his partner moved to the cashier, the direct Just BANG! ... and tumbanglah the partner ...

Medford, Oregon, an unemployed 27-year-old who just killed three people, accused the university where he earned his MBA as a cause ... he said "this is too many college graduates printing business ... if I choose other majors would not happen this way ..."

Again the robber lunkhead ... in San Francisco, (more crowded in sono ... ya still a fairly recent occurrence) Patrick Johnson, intending to rob a branch of Bank Welfare. Johnson gave a piece of checks marked "This robbery, put your money into my bag", to a teller at the bank they will be, but the teller replied, "sorry sir, we can not cash a check you, because it checks Bank of America, if not the father replace it with a check or father's Welfare Bank to Bank of America branch office, sir ... ", Johnson replied ..." oooo ... so ... yes I was there alone ... "not long before he was arrested while waiting in line at a branch office of Bank of America who not far from there, after the teller then called the police once had buru2 Johnson walked away ... (Worse, it turns out check sheet which had been was his personal use ...)